Written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

“Instead of going forward, on the real path of my life, listening to my emotions, but not really understanding what i should do ... i spend my time going to the left, then to the right, and right again ... and maybe then to the left ... but i realized it’s the path of a circle ... a very silly one ... and most important ... not the real one destined to me.”  … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

All motivation books try to teach us that probably one of the most important things in life is to find the real path to follow.

And we should accept that even if we see different types of models ... one of them of huge success ... not all we see is destined to us.

We are here with a purpose and to understand many life lessons ... but in many important moments from our lives, we just don’t accept that.


We see the paths followed by friends, relatives, people we know or we see in all the forms media exists ... and we start to believe that this are actually .... some of the paths we should follow.

But we can’t understand that we don’t have 5 years old anymore ... and say today we want to become a doctor ... and 2 days later that we change our mind and say that we want now to become astronaut.

And it’s funny cause this is exactly what we do ... act like a 5 years old kid.

And instead of connecting to the inner self ... actually find the path to that amazing part of us ... the soul ... we just act in a dogmatic way, following the models that we see around us.

But all those pathless path ... take us to ... nowhere, cause we did not understood how important it is to connect to the soul and ask for ... guidance.

And life remains a long story with all kind of episodes ... where you go to the left, to the right ... and then left again ... but actually you go in a circle.

One day you also realize that you also listened too much to your emotions ... not understanding that all those emotions were positive ... but also negative emotions.

And maybe too many of them ... were negatives.

And this mix of emotions and models that we see around us ... creates a model of thinking, but also acting that is not in our advantage at all.

We also start to see the world as an ugly one ... not seeing the fact that we had been guided to ... the wrong direction.


And we are too proud ... or should i say too stupids ... to listen to the intuition ... and understand those feelings that send us the message that something is ... ugly, evil ... even a reality dominated by the Devil itself ... are actually amazing signals that we not following the right path and that we should meditate more on what we really have to do in life.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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